Tag Archives: Tools


More on canva.com:

Teaching materials


Other tools:

data.chronicle.com — for displaying date…and possibly adding data.

storymap — part of knight lab



Mapping Gothic France


For next week:

Troy’s Vision Statement

Mission of the Liberal Arts and Public Institutions: Roads Taken, Kid for Life

Changing nature of public and private

Changing role of public scholars

Moya, “The Ethics of Public Scholarship”


For the future:

Where is the internet?

Physicality of data?



For today:

Digital Knowledge Faculty Initiative

The Work of Being Watched, Mark Andrejevic

“Recent developments in television technology can perhaps provide a more concrete example of how the work of being watched is deployed to rationalize the work of watching.” p. 239

Elahi Hasan

Tracking Transience — cannot copy link

Baltimore Sun

TED Talk — cannot copy link

The Circle (excerpt attached from Martha)



Tools 9/13/17

Canva.com — for designing; completely free; can download as a pdf.

TheNounProject.com — icons for everything

Pixlr.com — PhotoShop-lite

Unsplash — for photos, free, public domain images

DS106 — assignment bank

HERA: Historic Environment Resource Assessment, HISP UMW

H5P.com — a collection of tools that help you with other site.

H5P examples

knightlab.northwestern.edu — Juxtapose, Soundcite (add sound), Storymap (no collaboration), Timeline (create a Google spreadsheet; can collaborate with this); tools built for journalists

“It’s not the technology…it’s the teaching.” This isn’t always the case.

Readings for 8/30/17

First meeting of Digital Knowledge, Domain of One’s Own, DTLT:

Is digital changing everything, or is knowledge changing the digital?

Art history reading on digital art history?

Domain Fellows, started by Martha Burtis – take DoOO out of the classroom and into their lives.

Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains.” http://schoolsites.schoolworld.com/schools/Cheltenham/webpages/cmanser/files/there%20will%20come%20soft%20rains%20(bradbury)1.pdf



See also Bradbury’s  The Veldt The World the Children Made, first published in The Saturday Evening Post, September 23, 1950.

Audry Watters, The Web We Need to Give Students.” https://brightreads.com/the-web-we-need-to-give-students-311d97713713

An outsider looking in.

“Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. It gives them the ability to work on the Web and with the Web.” Why is this radical?

David Weinberger, Small Pieces Loosley Joined (2002). http://www.smallpieces.com/

Werner Herzog, Lo and Behold, documentary.

A Venice site

I can imagine creating something like this with students about the city of Venice. The link is to The Virtual Lawn produced at the University of Virginia. There’s a great deal here that focuses on Jefferson and his architecture at UVA, but also the Renaissance architect Palladio, Humanism, ancient and Renaissance villas, and much more.

I also really like Frederic Kaplan’s Ted Talk on building an information time machine on the city of Venice. This would be a challenge here.