Tag Archives: DPL

DPL 2019, last day

Notepad: bit.ly/dpl2019open


“Options rather than opt out.” Sarah Honeychurch, @NomadWarMachine

Connections, boundaries, breaking boundaries

Silos on campus — we re-do the same thing over and over across time on our campuses.

“Teach through a screen, not to a screen.” Sean Morris.

“The jungle-ness of it.” Melina Patterson


Value of OER: 4 slides, spell out to a specific person (admin)

• Lower costs to students — admin wants this, it will sell the school to the state, to parents

• Rethink course material — be [more] selective in choice of objects taught

• Bring students into teaching, into the production of knowledge — this may be uncomfortable for both students and faculty who are more familiar with lecture classes, but addresses university mission statement (rigorous, passionate, community-oriented).

• Become a learner as well as a teacher — admin will like this, as well, in part because it addresses faculty development/pedagogy.

OER Stewardship

The CARE Framework:

Toward a Sustainable OER Ecosystem: The Case for OER Stewardship

Posted on March 4, 2018 by lpetrides

By Lisa Petrides, Douglas Levin, and C. Edward Watson

The following is from the above link, with my comments in italics:

  1. Contribute: OER stewards actively contribute to efforts, whether financially or via in-kind contributions, to advance the awareness, improvement, and distribution of OER; how do we define “steward”? what are examples of “efforts”? and
  2. Attribute: OER stewards practice conspicuous attribution, ensuring that all who create or remix OER are properly and clearly credited for their contributions; what do we do when we see something that is not attributed? and
  3. Release: OER stewards ensure OER can be released and used beyond the course and platform in which it was created or delivered; this is absolutely needed; how many times have I been puzzled or struggled with trying to work on a different device/platform? and
  4. Empower: OER stewards are inclusive and strive to meet the diverse needs of all learners, including by supporting the participation of new and non-traditional voices in OER creation and adoption. This requires reaching out to colleagues as well as students who are less comfortable with OER, and perhaps suspicious of it.