September 30, 4:00 – 5:30
12-2:30 prior to future readings available for open lab.
Not what technology I need to use or how to use it, but how does this technology allow me to tell this story…..
Teaching with technology changes teaching. How does technology change the way we teach…..[discipline]…..
• Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains”
• Audrey Watters, “The Web We Need to Give Students”
What is our responsibility?
• David Weinberger, Small Pieces Loosely Joined (preface and chapter one)
“What is the Web for?”
“The Web, on the other hand, breaks the traditional publishing model. The old model is about control: a team works on a document, is responsible for its content and format, and releases it to the public when it’s been certified as done. Once it’s published, no one can change it except the original publisher. The Web ditches that model, with all its advantages as well as its drawbacks, and says instead, ‘You have something to say? Say it. You want to respond to something that’s been said? Say it and link to it. You think something is interesting? Link to it from your home page. And you never have to ask anyone’s permission.’ Then it adds: ‘And how long will it take to do this? I dunno. How fast do you type?’ By removing the central control points, the Web enabled a self-organizing, self-stimulated growth of contents and links on a scale the world has literally never before experienced.
The result is a loose federation of documents — many small pieces loosely joined.”