William Pannapacker’s article in today’s online Chronicle of Higher Education speaks directly to some aspects of our project’s concerns and what we’re presently developing. He includes recommendations for building Digital Humanities (or Digital Liberal Arts for greater inclusiveness) at small liberal-arts colleges. One area he discusses where I think we need more focus is informing administrators about our work. His recommendation here:
“Seek the support of the higher-ups. Your administrators are probably pro-technology in general, but they may not know a lot about DH. Show them how digital methods enhance the college’s mission and can promote its image. Call attention to the value of encouraging faculty and staff members to use new technologies.”
What are our plans for highlighting the work of the Domain project? How might we talk/write about it as central to the mission of UMW? Images on the home page are an indication of some support or awareness. But is that sufficient? The fact that we have this Domain project at all clearly indicates support. But here we owe our thanks to Mary Kayler and everyone in DTLT. What, if anything, does the administration want to see come out of this? That’s a conversation we need to direct.