October 28, 4:00 – 5:30 // Online Learning, Hybrid Pedagogy, Digital Literacy
•Maha Bali, “Knowing the Difference Between Digital Skills and Digital Literacies, and Teaching Both”
“Digital skills focus on what and how. Digital literacy focuses on why, when, who, and for whom.”
Empower students with digital literacy.
See W. Ian O’Byrne:
“To make digital literacies easier to understand, let’s examine Doug Belshaw’s doctoral thesis. He identifies eight essential elements of digital literacy that lead to positive action:
- Cultural: Requires technology use in different contexts and awareness of the values and practices specific to varying contexts
- Cognitive: Enables mastery of the use of technological tools, software, and platforms
- Constructive: Requires reusing and remixing existing resources depending on need, or possibly adapting them into new resources
- Communicative: Requires awareness of different communication devices that are both digital and mobile
- Confidence: Places emphasis on gaining competence with digital technologies and the ability to create an environment for practicing skills and self-learning
- Creative: Creates new data in digital environments while taking risks, developing skills, and producing new things
- Critical: Requires the digital learner to develop various perspectives while actively taking different circumstances into account
- Civic: Develops and helps acquire the concepts of democracy and global citizenship as individuals become participants in society”
FoMO: Fear of Missing Out
•Sean Michael Morris, “Online Learning Shouldn’t be ‘Less Than’”
•Jesse Stommel, “What is Hybrid Pedagogy?”
•Chris Friend, “On Vocabulary: ‘Blended Learning’ vs. ‘Hybrid Pedagogy’”
•(Optional): Ethical Online Learning: a Town Hall