Category Archives: DTLT


• Thomas P. Kasulis, “Questioning”

“A class is also a process, an independent organism with its own goals and dynamics. It is always something more than even what the most imaginative lesson plan can predict.” (2)

Group quiz

Ask students at the beginning of the semester what they want to get out of the class; repeat that to them the following week, then ask them at the end of the semester if they learned, etc. that topic.

Invite students, especially if they are shy and introverted.

Give options: Allow students to choose their preferred form of course involvement.

• Dave Cormier, “Rhizomatic Education: Community as Curriculum”

• Zach Whalen, “Notes on Teaching With Slack”

• Sharon O’Malley, “Professors Share Ideas for Building Community in Online Courses”

• (Optional): Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, “The Discussion Forum is Dead; Long Live the Discussion Forum”

Projects and ideas

How to effectively teach a fully online course: discussion, social dynamic, connection

Learning/using students’ names

“I’m not a number”

Tools for leading discussion online

Synchronous vs asynchronous

Why/when/how do we decide to teach online?

Understanding both content and format

Rubrics, measurement

Self-generated, autodidacticism

Does this cross across disciplines?

Introversion / access

What’s best for the student?

Student engagement

Why is/is not online teaching for me?

Persona — Performance

Social media

Where in digital space does learning happen?

Private vs. Public online — ethics, data, privacy, safety, legal/copyright


Jason B. Ohler, Digital Community, Digital Citizen

T. V. Reed, Digitized Lives…

Digital Knowledge Cohort, 9/30/19

September 30, 4:00 – 5:30

12-2:30 prior to future readings available for open lab.

Digital Knowledge Cohort

Not what technology I need to use or how to use it, but how does this technology allow me to tell this story…..

Teaching with technology changes teaching. How does technology change the way we teach…..[discipline]…..


• Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains”

• Audrey Watters, “The Web We Need to Give Students”

What is our responsibility?

• David Weinberger, Small Pieces Loosely Joined (preface and chapter one)

“What is the Web for?”

“The Web, on the other hand, breaks the traditional publishing model. The old model is about control: a team works on a document, is responsible for its content and format, and releases it to the public when it’s been certified as done. Once it’s published, no one can change it except the original publisher. The Web ditches that model, with all its advantages as well as its drawbacks, and says instead, ‘You have something to say? Say it. You want to respond to something that’s been said? Say it and link to it. You think something is interesting? Link to it from your home page. And you never have to ask anyone’s permission.’ Then it adds: ‘And how long will it take to do this? I dunno. How fast do you type?’ By removing the central control points, the Web enabled a self-organizing, self-stimulated growth of contents and links on a scale the world has literally never before experienced.

The result is a loose federation of documents — many small pieces loosely joined.”


“…Nick Couldry, a British media scholar, who argues in his book Why Voice Matters that we are experiencing a contemporary crisis of voice—across political, economic, social domains.  At root, he argues, is a pervasive doctrine of neoliberalism that denies voice matters.”

Documentary studies — close reading, “close enough to hurt”

“Get proximate” to the social justice issues that need our attention

  • Audrey Watters, “The Web We Need to Give Students” (this is one of my favorite pieces about Domain of One’s Own — many of you may have already read it, but I figured I’d add it to the list in case)

Social Justice and education

What do our students’ domains look like after they leave the course in which it was created?

How do faculty use these in “later” classes?

Archive of our own

Digital minimalism


More on

Teaching materials


Other tools: — for displaying date…and possibly adding data.

storymap — part of knight lab


Mapping Gothic France


For next week:

Troy’s Vision Statement

Mission of the Liberal Arts and Public Institutions: Roads Taken, Kid for Life

Changing nature of public and private

Changing role of public scholars

Moya, “The Ethics of Public Scholarship”


For the future:

Where is the internet?

Physicality of data?



For today:

Digital Knowledge Faculty Initiative

The Work of Being Watched, Mark Andrejevic

“Recent developments in television technology can perhaps provide a more concrete example of how the work of being watched is deployed to rationalize the work of watching.” p. 239

Elahi Hasan

Tracking Transience — cannot copy link

Baltimore Sun

TED Talk — cannot copy link

The Circle (excerpt attached from Martha)



Readings for 8/30/17

First meeting of Digital Knowledge, Domain of One’s Own, DTLT:

Is digital changing everything, or is knowledge changing the digital?

Art history reading on digital art history?

Domain Fellows, started by Martha Burtis – take DoOO out of the classroom and into their lives.

Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains.”

See also Bradbury’s  The Veldt The World the Children Made, first published in The Saturday Evening Post, September 23, 1950.

Audry Watters, The Web We Need to Give Students.”

An outsider looking in.

“Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. It gives them the ability to work on the Web and with the Web.” Why is this radical?

David Weinberger, Small Pieces Loosley Joined (2002).

Werner Herzog, Lo and Behold, documentary.